Best Homeopathic Remedies for a Teething Child

a baby

For you and for baby, teething can be a rough time filled with tears, irritability, sleepless nights, and significant discomfort. On those days that you don’t have a teething toy on hand, knowing a few tips and tricks to soothe and relieve teething pain can make all the difference for your little one. We’ve put together our favorite safe, at-home fixes to help you find the perfect remedy quickly.

As we’ve discussed in our infant oral care blog post, common teething remedies include using a rubber teething toy, applying pressure on the baby’s gums with your finger, or giving infant pain relievers. (Always verify dosing for infant pain relievers by calling your doctor before administering any/all medication.) All of these options are safe, viable solutions to make baby feel better. But it’s always great having a backup plan.


If you’re still breastfeeding, the sucking motion of nursing can help relieve the pressure in your baby’s mouth. For babies who are no longer breastfeeding or who may be prone to biting, another option is to take a bottle and fill it with water and then place it in the freezer, with the nipple facing downward. This allows the water to freeze in the nipple, offering cool relief for the baby to suck and chew on.

Refrigerated Spoon

Another favorite recommendation of our comes from the American Dental Association, who suggests giving a baby a small, cool spoon. Simply place a small spoon in the refrigerator and allow it to get cool. Remember to only cool the spoon and never freeze it to avoid hurting your baby’s mouth.

Cool Washcloth or Towel

Having something cool to offer your irritated, fussy baby could be as simple as wetting a clean washcloth or towel and putting it in the fridge for 20 to 30 minutes. Always make sure your cloth is large enough that you don’t have to worry about the fabric being a choking hazard as your baby chews and sucks on it.

Chamomile Tea

Many cultures have sworn by the healing and soothing properties of chamomile tea, and for some infants, chamomile might be a wonderful solution. However, before offering any botanical solutions—whether for your child to drink or something placed topically on their gums—consult your child’s doctor. If you are interested in finding the right chamomile for your child, be sure that it is not caffeinated. Chamomile tea can be served warmed or chilled, and some mothers have taken drops of the tea on their finger and rubbed it on the child’s irritated gums.

Cool Foods

Frozen foods, although good sounding, can do more harm than good for your child. It’s safer for your baby to enjoy cool foods such as chilled applesauce and well-blended fruits and vegetables.

For all of your teething remedies, it’s always best to keep your baby close by to make sure they’re chewing safely.

If you have any more teething questions, or if you are thinking about scheduling baby’s first appointment, give Mogren Dental a call at 231-737-5500, or schedule your appointment online today!

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